Thursday 6 March 2014

College reveals companies taking part in Back to the Floor

Newcastle-under-Lyme College today revealed local business men and women who have volunteered to go ‘back to the floor’ in a bid to raise awareness of apprenticeships.

Eight local business men and women were matched with a local employer and apprentice at the launch event of the College’s Pledge a Place campaign.  The volunteers will work shadow the apprentice over the course of next week during National Apprenticeships Week. 

Among those taking part include NULC Principal Karen Dobson, local MP Paul Farrelly, and Newcastle Borough Councillor John Sellgren.

The College event attracted a range of employers who have shown their support for apprenticeships by ‘pledging a place’ or agreeing to work with the College to support young people. They include ABB, Alstom, Skills for Care, Ageas Insurance, and Hanley Economic Building Society.

Vicky Boulton-Clarke, Head of Employer Engagement and Work Based Learning at the College, said: “The aim of the campaign is to raise the awareness of apprenticeships in order to support young people locally.  Employers were able to talk to other employers who have taken on an apprentice with us and show the benefits that it’s made to their business.”

Karen Dobson, Principal at NULC, has been placed at SamiRayz hair studio and will be shadowing apprentice Sally Jones.  Karen said: “I’m very excited about the placement.  I’m proud to see apprentices going through our College every day but this will give me a real insight into how they apply their knowledge and training on the job.”

Karen continued:  “Whilst the placements are a bit of fun for those involved we hope that the campaign will help us to maximise opportunities for learners and develop partnerships in the local community, in line with our strategic objectives.”

If your business has fewer than 1000 employees and have not employed an apprentice within the last 12 months you may be eligible to receive a grant (AGE 16-24) worth £1500. 

Newcastle-under-Lyme College provides apprenticeships and advanced apprenticeships in a range of subject areas including Accounting, Activity Leadership, Beauty Therapy, Brickwork, Business Admin, Creative Design, Customer Service, Early Years, Engineering, Hairdressing, Health & Social Care, IT, Joinery, Motor Vehicle, Painting & Decorating and Retail. 

For further information or to get involved visit
If you would like to become an apprentice, come along to our open event on Wednesday 12 March at 5.30pm to speak to employers, staff and find out more.

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