Tuesday, 2 April 2013

College busts Apprenticeship myths

Newcastle-under-Lyme College (NULC) has launched an online publication to dispel myths about Apprenticeships.

The Apprenticeships Myth Buster is targeted at local employers and aims to addresses common misconceptions about Apprenticeships.  The publication is being released as part of the College’s 100 in 100 Apprenticeship Campaign.

Vicky Boulton-Clarke, Head of Employer Engagement and Work Based Learning at NULC said:  “One of the most common myths surrounding Apprenticeships is that young people have no work ethic and will leave the organisation before the Apprenticeship finishes.  In actual fact in today’s economic climate, young people understand that Apprenticeships are a valuable opportunity.”

“We really need to break down these misconceptions of Apprenticeships and in a bid to do that we’ve put together a myth busting publication that is available on the College’s website for employers to download free of charge.”

Vicky added: “The Apprentices from Newcastle-under-Lyme College are highly motivated, keen to learn and have the potential to become ‘managers of the future’.”

NULC works with more than 400 businesses across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent who work with the College to provide Apprenticeships and recruitment services.

The recruitment process for employers wishing to appoint an Apprentice involves a full screening process to ensure that the Apprentice is the best person for the job.

The College launched the Newcastle-under-Lyme 100 in 100 Campaign on Friday 25 March and is targeting employers and young people across Newcastle-under-Lyme in a bid to create 100 Apprentice opportunities in 100 days.

The College aims to hit the target by recruiting both employers to provide Apprenticeship vacancies and young people to start an Apprenticeship.  The campaign will run until 22 June 2013.

For further information about the 100 in 100 campaign visit www.nulc.ac.uk/100 or download the Apprenticeships Myth Buster here.

To discuss Apprenticeships further please contact 01782 254376 or email employers@nulc.ac.uk

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